It's officially official... My guy is back to working days!!! Just when I go back to night school!! We have great timing don't we! It's not as bad as it sounds. I just have class Tuesdays and Thursdays, the rest of the time I get to have all night with my hubby!! Besides the fact that he's in bed by nine but probably by next week I will be in bed with him snoozing by nine thirty..can't wait to get back into my old habits. But since, yes, my last posting, actually on that Monday night that I was complaining about Monday about an hour after my post I had (what we thought at was the time) food poisoning, I will never eat another corn dog again. (We'll see how long that lasts) well then towards the middle of the week, I had, super bad headaches, bad chills and heat waves, super bad cold, eye goobers and ear ache. It wouldn't have been so bad any other week being home sick with J since he usually goes to work around one, of course the week I decide to be on my death bed his regional manager is in town so he was at work by 9 am or 10 am every morning. Timing what can I tell you. So Jason woke up Friday,after I had already been up for hours. I don't think I had slept through the night the whole week, maybe three or four hours each night. (I also think J thought I was faking it the whole time) but he took one look at me and said, "You need to go to the Doctor, you don't look good, your face is all puffy." HIS EXACT WORDS! So after hunting and calling around to find a Doctor that was covered by my new insurance, I set an appointment. He almost cancelled his guy fishing trip cuz I looked so sick. Maybe next time he'll believe me when I say I'm sick. So to make a long story short, after they tried to draw blood, not once, not twice, not three times but yes stuck me FOUR FLINGING times, for those who know me, I HATE SHOTS GOING ANYWHRE IN ME, I have passed out multiple times. Anywho, they couldn't get any blood because I was too dehydrated, I felt like a vampire!!! :) haha (p.s. I got tickets to eclipse)anywho, I had stomach flu, strep, really bad cold and an eye infection. Yeah fun huh. Anyway, its been a rough week but now I get my guy to myself for the next SIX months!! Woop Woop. I'm probably going to be sick of him in no time. I'm use to being by myself and have my own personal space, the remote and the whole couch to myself. Wish us luck we're pretty much back to our honeymoon stage!!!
PS It was Jason's mom bday yesterday. We want to wish her a Happy 5.....?? Can't tell she would flip out! She is an amazing mother and I thank her so much for bringing Jason into this world and raising him to be the gentle giant he is. She is the best mother in law a gal could have. Sunday we went to their house and got to see Sue, Kent, Karen and Seth it was a great day! Love the Pluims/Hodgsons/Shicks! Beautiful weather too!! Love you all!! ps, Sue I am attempting the stuffing rolls sometime this week. Wish me luck!!