Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just one of those days...

So my mom had invited me to go to her relief society this Wednesday. Lately with J being gone I have been bored, somewhat depressed haha and spiritual empty. So I decided to go...besides what else was I going to do that night besides sit on my couch and watch tv. I was having somewhat of a bad day by the time work ended, went to class with a bad attitude, because I might not be getting a good enough grade to get into Radiology without having to take the stupid class again. I almost called my mom to tell her I wasn't in the mood. I didn't. I went. On the way there as I was pulling out of my street an elderly couple was walking holding hands, I hope when I have a hunch back, white hair and can hardly walk down the street Jason will still want to hold my hand. Then I was on creek road and saw a group of younger people walking with some special needs kids. One was in a wheel chair and the other had down syndrome. They looked so happy to have some friends to be taking them on a walk. I appreciated the younger kids for helping out. Then I was turning onto the street that the stake center was on and their was a guy walking his dog, picking up trash.

I don't know if I have just missed all of this before but people are so great! I loved seeing everyone helping each other out. I guess going rs made me open my eyes to how amazing some people are. Plus the good weather makes everyone a little happier. Not to mention the speakers were amazing! It was a group of three women (mothers) who started a singing group. They talked about "Spiritual Spa's" and had a lot of great stories from the Book of Mormon. Relief Society was just what I needed on this bad day I was having. I wish I knew the name of the group so you could here them but they were really good.

Thanks mom for inviting me to come.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Aubs! I am sorry you are having a rough time with Jas being gone and stuff. you can always come visit me and Beau :) We would love to see you! I wish I could have heard those great talks. I love when you can feel the spirit so strong, you actually feel warm and fuzzy inside! Love you girly!
